Promoter of the arts

Eusebi Güell worked to promote cultural rebirth and Catalan culture.

  • Masthead of the newspaper La Renaixensa, a publication whose patron was Eusebi Güell.
  • Main living room at Güell Palace where concerts were given.
  • Meeting of the Barcelona Jocs Florals Committee in 1900.

In 1900, he headed the committee of the Jocs Florals, a literary competition. He sponsored institutions such as the Associació Catalanista d’Excursions Científiques and the Centre Excursionista de Catalunya. He was also a founder of the periodical La Renaixença.

He published scientific books, including L'immunité par les leucomaïnes (1886), a study of cholera that was much celebrated in specialised circles.

Eusebi Güell had a great interest in literature, music (which he got from his mother's family) and the arts in general.